Reasons to support independant artists

Here are a few reasons why people should consider buying music from artists instead of only streaming:

  1. Supporting artists financially - Streaming pays artists very little, with some estimates that it takes hundreds or even thousands of streams for an artist to earn $1. By purchasing music directly, fans support the artists financially so they can continue to create music.
  2. Owning music & collecting - When you purchase music, you actually own that recording and it becomes part of your permanent collection. Streaming provides temporary access in comparison. Collecting physical music or even digital downloads is still enjoyable to many.
  3. Higher quality recordings - Downloaded or physical music is often available in better quality formats compared to compressed streaming audio. So purchasing music allows fans to hear it as intended.
  4. Exclusive/Special content - Artists sometimes include extra tracks, demos, live recordings or special packaging with purchased formats over streaming. Fans get access to special content to make owning music more worthwhile.
  5. No reliance on internet or subscriptions - Downloaded and physical music allows listening anytime without ongoing streaming costs or connectivity required. Fan collections exist long term instead of being attached to streaming platforms.
  6. Showing meaningful support - Direct music sales show commitment from fans, boost artists success metrics, and let them know their work product has monetary value. It demonstrates popularity in ways streaming alone can't.

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